Vincent Van Gogh was our Mystery Artist so I read the students Camille & The Sunflowers: A Story about Vincent Van Gogh by Laurence Anholt and then we began to make sunflowers!
If you haven't realized yet, I love doing lots of different layers to one project.
- Students created a Horizon Line on their paper
- The top half (the wall) was sponge painted
- The bottom half (the table) was done using tissue paper and modge podge (glue mixed with water)
- The students drew and cut out a symmetrical Vase on a separate piece of brown paper.
- Stems were arranged and glued on the vase. Remind students that the stems cannot come off the vase
- The stems and vase were glued onto the backgrounds.
- The water was sponge painted on and white was used to show the glass.
- The scrap brown paper from the vase is cut into circles to be the center of the sunflowers
- Petals are painted on using tempera paint
- Students sew on addition petals and leaves using Burlap and large needles safe for kids.

Kindergarten & Fourth Grade Sunflowers
Sunflowers in the district Art Show!
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